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Eric Hoffer said: “Every cause starts out as a movement becomes a business and degenerates into a racket”.The wellness industry has become saturated with information, products, and companies all claiming that their ideologies are “right”. Not only that, but the majority of these entities are all advertising to be the “most cost-effective solution”. When frankly, they’re not. My friends, this confusion is exactly why American workers have become disillusioned by the Healthcare industry.Don’t Believe me? In a survey sponsored by Policy Genius, 2000 American health insurance consumers were tested on their knowledge of basic health insurance concepts. Hold on to your chair because the results will surely shock you. This survey showed that 96% claimed overstated their knowledge of these concepts… That means only a whopping 4 percent of Americans could tell you what their deductibles, copays, copays and out of pocket expense were!This is exactly why on this week’s episode of HeadsUp Advisor we brought in our special guest, Alfred Lewis, “The Antichrist of Wellness Programs”. Besides being an all-around great guy, Alfred is…The CEO of Quizzify (A Health benefit initiative that engages employees through education)A graduate of Harvard Law Schooland the Best Selling Author of Multiple BooksClick here to watch the videoIn this video, we tackle some of the biggest misconceptions that both Healthcare advisors and employees face. We also cover key negotiation tactics to utilize when dealing with Wellness Vendors.Here’s what we cover:
- Debunking myths of the best practices in Healthcare
- Why Population Health Management Fails
- How Wellness Vendors skew data to stay in business
- The Newest Sizzle of The Industry – Direct Primary Care
- Managing Diabetics And Who’s Really Driving Your Claim Values Up
To a better you!John Sbrocco & the team at Heads Up Adviser
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