- [tcb-script src=”https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js”][/tcb-script]Have you ever wondered what causes people to ignore common sense and follow the herd?What motivates people in business to adopt a “group-think” or ‘herd’ mentality? It’s is known as Shiny Object Syndrome.If you’ve never heard of it before it’s the psychological tendency for people to ditch their current efforts (even if they are working) in exchange for the latest ‘recommended by everybody’ and ‘appearing everywhere’ new Best Practice!Back in the ’90s, we saw the disastrous effects of groupthink in the Healthcare industry with the failure of HMO’s.Fast forward and Exchanges were the last great refuge of alleged savings. Today we are seeing why history repeats itself with the adoption of Direct Primary Care!This video will discuss why Direct Primary Care is likely to fall short of the projected claim savings.If you have ever wondered why some Brokers reduce healthcare cost and provide benefits that their clients love, while others fail – this video will show you how to reverse engineer their programs and achieve similar results.Check out the video and let me know what you think in the comments section below?Here’s what we cover:
- The similarities between HMOs and Direct Primary care programs – and why they are both doomed to fail expectations
- The only factors that truly influence patient health
- Why doctors can’t prevent diseases unless humans stop aging
- The 5 secrets behind wellness and living a longer life
To a better you,John Sbrocco & Craig Lack at Heads Up Adviser.
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- [tcb-script src=”https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js”][/tcb-script]Have you ever wondered what causes people to ignore common sense and follow the herd?What motivates people in business to adopt a “group-think” or ‘herd’ mentality? It’s is known as Shiny Object Syndrome.If you’ve never heard of it before it’s the psychological tendency for people to ditch their current efforts (even if they are working) in exchange for the latest ‘recommended by everybody’ and ‘appearing everywhere’ new Best Practice!Back in the ’90s, we saw the disastrous effects of groupthink in the Healthcare industry with the failure of HMO’s.Fast forward and Exchanges were the last great refuge of alleged savings. Today we are seeing why history repeats itself with the adoption of Direct Primary Care!This video will discuss why Direct Primary Care is likely to fall short of the projected claim savings.If you have ever wondered why some Brokers reduce healthcare cost and provide benefits that their clients love, while others fail – this video will show you how to reverse engineer their programs and achieve similar results.Check out the video and let me know what you think in the comments section below?Here’s what we cover: