The Insurance Ranch with Ed Jacobson – Part II

The Insurance Ranch with Ed Jacobson – Part II

In "THE RANCH Part II" Ed Jacobson dives deep into the most common concerns and excuses the prospects have, explains what the core mission of every broker is, and talks about the way TPAs hide profits.

In “THE RANCH Part II” Ed Jacobson dives deep into the most common concerns and excuses the prospects have, explains what the core mission of every broker is, and talks about the way TPAs hide profits.

Ed Jacobson:
“Who is a good broker? A good broker is how I would like a broker to treat me if they were looking for my best interest.

First of all, I would want them to research the marketplace, continuously be a student of their profession, and inform me – whether I’m interested or not – on what’s new in the industry. Simply because I would rather hear it from my broker, whom I trust than hear it from a competitor and say: “Why didn’t my broker tell me that? Maybe they are not as sharp as they should be?”

That doesn’t mean you’re going to sell it every time. It’s an indication to your existing or potential clients that you, as a broker, are in the game, and that game is to help the employer.

This strategy is what keeps, and that’s what sells.

It’s not rates that sell. And you know, if the spreadsheet worked so damn well, why are we even having this conversation? If the spreadsheet was a solution to the wall wind across healthcare, we wouldn’t be sitting here. And frankly, I wouldn’t have this RANCH.”

Here’s what we cover:
Health insurance: one wants to pay a dollar in and collect more
What is PPO, and why do prospects mistake it for a healthcare plan?
A TPA from a profitability standpoint & hidden profits
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