Summer Prospecting Strategies For Brokers

Summer Prospecting Strategies For Brokers

Summertime. And the livin' is easy... This is what the next two-three months will look like for most brokers - including the incumbents.

Summertime. And the livin’ is easy…

This is what the next two-three months will look like for most brokers – including the incumbents.

Of course, they will justify it with the BS stories that C-level executives often ghost brokers, cancel meetings, and don’t have time to deal with healthcare plans before Q3/Q4.

Top-performers want their competitors to take a break every summer because that’s how they get the fall harvest rich with low-hanging fruit.

Join John Sbrocco and Craig Lack for the special episode of the Heads Up Adviser Show: “Summer Prospecting Strategies For Brokers.”

Here’s what we cover:
Getting Self-Funding out of the back burner: how to create urgency for the prospects
Consulting agreements
Prepare for the winter NOW: what tools do you need to double your book of business this year.
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Virtue Health introduces a new, full-stack healthcare solution for advisers managing small to midsize employers. Arrange a one-on-one session with the host of the Heads Up Adviser podcast, John Sbrocco to learn if you’re qualified to join

CLICK HERE to choose the date and time for your meeting.

Learn More About Virtue Health:

FREE RESOURCE From Virtue Health

Discover How Brokers are Winning 10+ Accounts a Year from This New Sales Strategy

While every other health broker commoditizes themselves by selling the same short-term band-aid to a long-term problem, you will learn how to communicate to business owners why structuring and designing their own health care plan can be a competitive advantage for the organization.


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